Indice temático.

Clasificación por temas de los libros de la bibliografía



Indice alfabético



Imprescindible: este libro no debe faltar de su biblioteca si está interesado en el tema
Muy bueno: una buena compra
Interesante: aspectos parciales de interés o nivel general aceptable
Normal: nivel medio de los libros de informática
Malo: vale menos de lo que cuesta
(Sin calificar) No lo he leído, sólo lo he hojeado un poco, necesito más tiempo.

Nota (del autor):

Las valoraciones que se exponen en esta página son propias y, como tal, subjetivas. No puedo, ni pretendo, calificarme a mí mismo como experto en ninguno de los temas enumerados a continuación; sin embargo, aporto éstas, mis opiniones, como guía para las personas interesadas (como yo) por estos temas.

Javi Tobal



A C++ Primer. S. B. Lippman
Advanced C++, Programming styles and idioms. J. O. Coplien
  C++: Effective Object-Oriented Software Construction. K. Dattatri
C++ faqs. M. Cline
  C++ for Professionals Programmers with PC and UNIX Applications. S. Blaha
C++, Manual de referencia con anotaciones. B. Stroustrup
  C++: Object Oriented Data Structures. S. Sengupta
C++ Programmers' guide to the Standard Template Library. M. Nelson
  C++ Programming Guidelines. T. Plum
C++, Programming Style. T. Cargill
C++: STL, Plantillas, Excepciones, Roles y Objetos. R. Devis
C++ Strategies and Tactics. R. B. Murray
Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Programming in C++. Gorlen
Designing and coding reusable C++. M. Carroll
Effective C++: 50 specific ways to improve your programs and designs. S. Meyers
Inside the C++ object model. S. Lippman
  More Effective C++: 35 new ways to improve your programs and designs. S. Meyers
Problem Solving with C++. W. Savitch
Programación en C/C++. C. Pappas
Programación en C++. E. Hernández
Programación orientada a objetos en C++. R. Devis
Ruminations on C++. A. Koenig
Secrets of the C++ masters. J. Alger
  STL Tutorial and Reference Guide; C++ programming with the STL. D. R. Musser
  Taming C++: Pattern Classes and Persistence for Large Projects. J. Soukup
The C++ programming language. B. Stroustrup
  The Client/Server Toolkit for C and C++ Programmers. S. Lemno
The design and evolution of C++. B. Stroustrup
Thinking in C++. B. Eckel

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Disappearing Cryptography. P. Wayner
  How to manage your network using SNMP. M. T. Rose
Internet... una via al futuro. C. Huitema
Internet Programming. K. Jamsa
Internetworking with TCP/IP: Client/server programming and applications. D. E. Comer
Internetworking with TCP/IP: Design, implementation and internals. D. E. Comer
Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, protocols, and architecture. D. E. Comer
  Managing Internetworks with SNMP. M.A. Miller
  Network Management: A Practical Perspective. A. Leinwand
Open systems networking: OSI & TCP/IP. D. Piscitello
SNMP: a guide to network management. S. Feit
  SNMP Application developer's guide. R. L. Townsend
SNMP, SNMPv2 and CMIP: The practical guide to network management standards. W. Stallings
The cuckoo's egg. C. Stoll
The simple book: an introduction to management of TCP/IP-Based internets. M. T. Rose
Total SNMP. S. Harnedy

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Core Java. G. Cornell
  Developing Java Beans. R. Englander
Graphic Java: Mastering the AWT. D. Geary y A. McClellan
Learn Java Now. S. R. Davis
Manual de Java. P. Naughton
Hooked on Java: Creating Hot Web Sites with Java Applets. A. van Hoff
Java: How to Program. Deitel
Java in a Nutshell. D. Flanagan
Java Programming with CORBA. A. Vogel y K. Duddy
Java Security: Hostile Applets and Antidotes. G.McGraw
Programación en Java para Internet. P. M. Cuenca
Programando con Java. T. Ritchie
The Java primer plus: Supercharging web applications with the Java programming language. P.Tyma
The Java Programming Language. J. Gosling
Tricks of the Java Programming Gurus. G. L. Vanderburg

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  A complete object-oriented design examples. J. E. Richardson
  An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming. T. Budd
Análisis y diseño orientado a objetos con aplicaciones, 2ª edición. G. Booch
COM and DCOM: Microsoft's vision for distributed objects. R. Sessions
CORBA, ActiveX y Java Beans. J. Chauvet
CORBA Design Patterns. T. Mowbray y R. Malveau
  Data Model Patterns: Convention of Thought. David C. Hay
Design patterns: Elements of reusable object-oriented software. E. Gamma
  Design Patterns for object-oritented software solutions. W. Pree
  Designing Object-Oriented C++ applications using the booch method. R. C. Martin
Designing Object-Oriented software. Wirfs-Brock
Instant CORBA. Robert Orfali
  Mainstream Objects. E. Yourdon
Object data management: Object-Oriented and extended relational database systems. R. Cattell
Object databases: the essentials. M. S. Loomis
  Object Models: Strategies, Patterns & Applications. P. Coad
Object-Oriented analysis. P. Coad
Object-Oriented databases and their applications to software engineering. A. Brown
Object-Oriented design. P. Coad
Object -Oriented Modeling and Design. J. Rumbaugh
Object-Oriented programming. P. Coad
Object-Oriented Software Construction. B. Meyer
Object-Oriented software engineering. I. Jacobson
Object-Oriented Systems Analysis: modeling the world in data. S. Mellor
Object Persistence: Beyond Object-Oriented databases. R. Sessions
Object solutions: Managing the object-oriented project. G. Booch
  Object success: a managers' guide to object orientation. B. Meyer
  Pattern Languages of program design. J. Coplien
  Pattern Languages of program design 2. J. Vlissides
  Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: A System of Patterns. F. Buschmann
Programación Orientada a Objetos. L. Joyanes
Readings in object-oriented database systems. S. B. Zdonik
Sistemas de bases de datos orientadas a objetos. E. Bertino y L. Martino
  Succeeding with objects: Decision frameworks for project management. A. Goldberg
The Essential Client/Server Survival Guide. R. Orfaly
The Essential Distributed Objects Survival Guide. R. Orfaly
The object database standard; ODMG-93; Release 1.2. R. Cattell
Working with objects. T. Reenskaug

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A cram course on C/C++. A. Stevens
Advanced MS-DOS programming. R. Duncan
Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms and source code in C. B. Schneier
Black Art of 3D Game Programming. A. LaMothé
Black Art of Windows Game Programming. E. R. Lyons
C, Manual de referencia. H. Schildt
  C++ and C Debugging, Testing and Reliability. D. A. Spuler
  Code complete: A practical handbook of software construction. S. McConnell
Código sin errores. S. Maguire
Computer Graphics: Principles adn Practice. J. D. Foley
Debugging the development process. S. Maguire
DOS/WINDOWS Undocumented. A. Schulman
LISP: Programazio-Lengoaia. J. R. Bastarrika
  Open GL Programming guide. Neider
  Open GL Reference Manual.
PC-INTERN. Tischer
Programación avanzada con Delphi 2.0. F. Charte
Programación con Delphi. F. Charte
  Programación con Delphi. G. Cornell
Numerical Recipes in C, the art of scientific computing. W. Press
Smalltalk-80: The language. A. Goldberg
Smalltalk with style. S. Skublics
The art of computer programming. D. E. Knuth
The C programming language. B. Kernighan
Zen of code optimization. M. Abrash

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  201 principles of software development. A. M. Davis
About face: the essentials of user interface design A. Cooper
Compiladores: principios, técnicas y herramientas. Alfred V. Aho, et al.
Computer-Related Risks. P. G. Neumann
Discipline for software engineering. W. Humphrey
Fatal defect: chasing killer computer bugs. I. Peterson
Ingeniería del software. R. S. Pressman
Intro to the personal software process. W. Humphrey
  Managing technical people: Innovation, teamwork and the software process. W. Humphrey
Managing the software process. W. Humphrey
  Peopleware. T. DeMarco
Pitfalls of object-oriented development. B. F. Webster
Rapid Development. S. McConnell
Software requirements & Specifications: a lexicon of practice, principles and prejudices. M. Jackson
The challenge of good enough software. J. Bach
  The Decline and Fall of the American Programmer. E. Yourdon
  The Mythical Man-Month. F.Brooks
  Wicked Problems, righteous Solutions. P. DeGrace

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Algoritmos a nuestro alrededor. N. Krinitski
Automatic text processing: the transformation, analysis, and retrieval of information by computer. G. Salton
Camino al futuro. B. Gates
El principio de Dilbert: S. Adams
Experiments in automatic thesaurus construction for information retrieval. G. Salton
Information analysis and dictionary construction. In the smart retrieval. System-experiments in autormatic document processing. G. Salton
Introduction to modern information retrieval. G. Salton
La Galaxia Gutenberg: M. McLuhan
Lógica formal para informáticos. L. Arenas
Syntactic analysis of natural language, in advances in computers. N.Sager
Técnicas de lectura rápida. D. Fink

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  Advanced Windows. J. Richter
DLL y gestión de memoria. M. Klein
Inside the Windows 95 Registry. R. Petrusha
La esencia de Visual C++ 4. M. Williams
  MFC Internals: Inside The Microsoft Foundation Class Architecture. G. Shepherd
  MFC Programming. A. Fener
Migrating to Windows 95: Programmers' guide to what's new. M. Andrews
Programación en Windows. C. Petzold
Programming Windows 95. C. Petzold
  Programming Windows95 with MFC. J. Prosise
Progrese con Visual C++. D. Kruglinsky
  Spelunking Windows 95. M. Pietrek
The revolutionary guide to MFC 4 using visual C++. M. Blaszczak
  Visual C++ How-To: The Definitive MFC Problem Solver. S. Stanfield
  Win32 Client/Server Developers' Guide. D. Reilly
  Win32 Network Programming. R. Davis
Windows++: Writing reusable code in C++. P. DiLascia
Windows 95 al descubierto. A. Shylman
Windows Internals. M. Pietrek
Windows NT Avanzado. J. Ritcher

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Autor: Javi Tobal
Página personal:
Última actualización: lunes, 30 agosto 1999
(Los comentarios son bien recibidos)